25 April 2018

Archeology of forest areas

The staff of the scientific department of the State Nature Protection Institution National Park "Belovezhskaya Pushcha" took part in the international scientific conference "Archeology of Forest Areas", which was held on April 19-21 in the Belovezha National Park (Poland).

Modern methods of research lead archeology to a new level. The development of the laser scanning technology of the earth's surface (LIDAR) makes it possible to discover and recognize archaeological objects unknown to science before. Laser scanning gives the opportunity to obtain the most accurate digital surface model of the investigated territory. Even insignificant in nature, vertical changes in the surface are easily discernible on the digital model. The advantage of this technology is the fact that all vegetation is ignored during scanning, and the quality and accuracy of the survey distinguishes even badgers' holes. Therefore, this method is suitable for the forest with hard-to-reach areas, including the Belovezhskaya Pushcha.

Archaeologists, conducting research on the Polish side of the Belovezhskaya Pushcha, have the opportunity to work with the digital model of the surface of the forest area since 2016. The results have already revealed about 2000 objects of archeology, such as mounds, settlements, arable land of the Roman period, as well as later objects-traces of economic activity, for example, potash ovens.

Currently, the Academy of Sciences of Poland and Belarus within the consortium plans to develop a joint project aimed at the development of a general monitoring system for the Belovezhskaya Pushcha, including the possibility of laser survey performing of the Belarusian side of the Belovezhskaya Pushcha.