18 May 2018

Annual audit of the FSC certification scheme

From May 15 to May 18, 2018, a NEPCon expert’s team conducts an annual audit on the FSC certification scheme (Forest Stewardship Council) in the National Park “Belovezhskaya Pushcha”. Сертификат FSC-1_frg.jpg
For the first time, the National Park received the FSC certificate in 2015. Since that time, the National Park has announced a policy of commitment to the forest management system in accordance with the international FSC standards aimed at biological diversity preservation.
Forest certification is the activity to confirm the compliance of forest management and (or) forest products with established requirements (standards).
Forest certification standards are based on the forest management agreement between three areas: economic, ecological and social. Assuming compliance with the standards, the organization confirms that it ensures the timber legal production, does not cause irreparable damage to nature, respects the rights of local people.